Seattle Sun Newspaper - Vol. 8, Issue 7, July 2004

Copyright 2004 Seattle Sun. Please feel free to use the article below in your research. Be sure to cite the Seattle Sun as your source.

Seattle Sun Letters to the Editor

What is terrorism, really?

When the New York incident of "9-11" took place, I was as shocked and horrified as anyone else. However, as time moved on, my always questioning mind came forth with "why now?", "why this way?" and, naturally, "who is really involved?"

Then I heard from the leaders of our country something to the effect of: "we will not tolerate terrorism." That statement did not sit well with me.

I first looked at the definition of terrorism as stated by the Webster's New World Dictionary:

"Terrorism: The act of terrorizing; use of force or threats to demoralize, intimidate, and subjugate, especially in the use as a political weapon or policy; Demoralization and intimidation produced in this way."

"Terrorize: Fill with terror, terrify; Coerce, make submit, etc., by filling with terror as by the use of threats of violence."

I looked at the key words: "Use of force"; "Subjugate"; "Intimidate"; "Demoralize"; "Fill with terror"; "Make submit"; "Use of threat"; "Use of violence."

When these words are looked at and absorbed, they take on more meaning than the "9-11" incident.

Globally, the act of terrorism has existed for eons and is ancient. Terrorism does not only mean the recognizable guns and bombs. It can take other subtler forms and still be terrorism. In America, it has its place; it is present and practiced every day. It runs rampant here at home.

Are any of these recognizable to anyone out there?

"Extortion: Making a person pay for protection so they can remain in business."

"Bribery, Blackmail: Other forms of extortion."

· Muggings and robbery of the elderly or the weaker souls: Most perpetrators are not caught; some are never mentioned. The elderly become so fearful and terrorized that they feel they have to stay indoors, becoming prisoners in their homes, not feeling free to walk outdoors.

· Gangs that hold their power by intimidation.

· Vandalism of buildings, art, property, personal items, and the land: When people see vandalism they become afraid and will stay away from that area out of fear.

· Kidnapping: women and children cannot go for walks outside without the constant fear of being approached, harassed and worse.

· Rape of all living beings people, animals, and the land.

Whether it is physical, emotional, financial or spiritual, the result is the same: fear.

Abuse, in any form to anyone, is a form of terrorism. Children are greatly affected; this can shape their growth and development if they do not have the strength or the tools to sort it out.

The function of "terrorism" is to instill fear and cause death and harm. Is this not happening here every day on a smaller scale? The results are the same: fear and harm.

One of the things that really bothers me is that some of the flag-waving Americans that want war and terrorism abolished from a particular group take part and deliver the subtler, but also damaging, terrorism to some other person or group.

To live in fear is Social Terrorism.