Seattle Sun Newspaper - Vol. 7, Issue 10, October 2003

Copyright 2003 Seattle Sun. Please feel free to use the article below in your research. Be sure to cite the Seattle Sun as your source.


Give your home a 'Green Clean'


What's "Green Cleaning"? Is it polishing the leaves of your houseplants or washing your spinach?

No. Green cleaning is simply using less toxic products to clean your home. The idea only makes sense, however, it requires thought and planning.

Everybody wants a clean and healthy home. Unfortunately, many cleaning chemicals are hazardous and toxic, but there are alternatives. Avoid products marked "Poison" and "Danger." According to federal law, these words indicate the highest level of hazard!

We should always read the label and buy the least hazardous product for the job. In general, the safest products contain less toxic ingredients than other commercial products; are NOT labeled Danger or Poison; and have no scent or only a mild scent.

For added safety, remember to use products as directed on the label.

Never mix cleaning products. For example, products containing chlorine and those containing ammonia.

There are many simple and inexpensive alternatives that work as well and sometimes better than the commercial toxic chemical cleaners.

You can assemble your own green cleaning kit. Let local retailers know what products you are looking for if you can't find them in stores. Share what you learn with your neighbors.

Here are some other less toxic alternatives to common household cleaning products:

Alternative all-purpose cleaners

for kitchens and bathrooms include baking soda, Bon Ami scouring powder, and natural all-purpose cleaner or soap (Castile or Murphy's Oil).

Alternative drain cleaner (try these methods in this order as needed):

1. Pour a kettle full of boiling water down the drain. Repeat if needed.

2. Use a plunger; Use a "plumber's snake."

3. If all else fails, call the plumber.

Oven cleaners: Prevent baked-on messes! Wipe up spills right away. Place a foil-lined tray on the bottom rack to catch spills. If your oven needs cleaning, use an all-purpose scouring powder or a less toxic commercial cleaner without lye. Also, don't use an oven cleaner inside a self-cleaning oven.

Window and mirror cleaner: For indoor windows and mirrors, use one cup vinegar mixed with three cups water. Rub with a cloth diaper, lint-free cloth, or sheets of newspaper.

For outdoor windows, use a sponge and wash with warm water mixed with a few drops of liquid soap. Rinse well and squeegee dry.

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"A Better Place to Live" is a new column by University District resident, Ron Harris-White of Seattle Public Utilities, head of Mayor Nickels' "Clean Seattle" Initiative. Call 684-7666 for more info.