Seattle Sun Newspaper - Vol. 7, Issue 1, January 2003

Copyright 2002 Seattle Sun. Please feel free to use the article and photos below in your research. Be sure to quote the Seattle Sun as your source.

Flu season update

Flu season is in full swing and millions of people across the nation are battling with its dreaded symptoms, which include two weeks of fever, sore throat, congestion, dry cough, body aches, headache and fatigue, according to Northwest Hospital's November-December newsletter.

If you have the flu, get treatment and follow your health care provider's advice to avoid serious conditions, such as pneumonia and dehydration. Those at high-risk for severe illness due to the flu include adults, age 65 and older, children, 6-23 months old, adults and children with a chronic health condition and women who are more than three months pregnant during flu season (November through March).

To help avoid the discomfort and debilitation from flu, protect yourself and those you love with an annual flu shot.


Contact your primary care physician for more information, or call the hospital's automated referral line at 206-MED-INFO (633-4636).