Copyright 2002 Seattle Sun. Please feel free to use the article and photos below in your research. Be sure to quote the Seattle Sun as your source.

What¹s with the name change?

My family and I left the Northwest in 1969 in search of the ³Sun.² When we relocated in the Southwest, we thought we had found it because when we looked up into the sky each day, there it was, and there it still is.

So what is this about changing the name of your paper to ³The Seattle Sun²? A sense of humor, perhaps? A little tongue in cheek? Or maybe the sun is actually fighting valiently to break through the overcast up there? Or maybe too much ³Apple Andy² in the staff room? Whatever, I enjoy your paper by any name, even ³The Seattle Sun.² Keep up the good work.

‹ MARK FREDERICKS, Scottsdale, Arizona

From the Publisher: It¹s simple ­ the Sun comes out once a month in Seattle just like the sun! (Actually, we¹ve heard lots of cute comments that we should have named ourselves the Seattle ³Rain,² instead.)