Copyright 1999 Park Projects. Please feel free to use the article and photos below in your research. Be sure to quote the Jet City Maven as your source.

On another note...

Mavenite at the Bite

Maven Kristy Smith and wearer of many hats extraordinaire will be playing at the Bite of Seattle on Friday, July 16th at 3pm at the Kiss 106.1 stage. Joining her are fellow Billie Moon band mates Steve Smith of the Seattle Drum School, Alan Paisley of Cedar Park Arts Center, and Bruce Hazen of Bellevue.

Kristy calls her music: "original - acoustic - electric - pop - rock." All we know is she writes the songs that make the whole office sing...

Thanks to Pete English

The Jet City Maven wishes to formerly thank Pete English from the Fremont Fair for showing us all a good time.

Jason Trachtenburg played his quirky, clever tunes on organ with the help of Clayton Park on violin on the Brewhouse stage. The sound man did an excellent job transitioning quickly between bands.

Then we wandered around and enjoyed hearing other bands. Pete's choice of acts were wonderful and amenities for bands were A++.

Battle of the Bands

We are still processing entries, so thanks for your patience.

Cranium's Cool Collectibles will soon be adding Cranium's Coffee Company... we are all enthusiastically excited about the opening!